gpose by Skylda Kaer

Hi, I'm Skylda Kaer!

I am an FFXIV Character based on Primal - Ultros.Read below to learn more about me, from my bio to my services!You're also welcome to walk up and /t me anything you'd like.I enjoy the companionship of my two lovely kitties, Jazzy Solairia and Abigail Voiddraft. You'll likely see them with me, come say hi! We don't bite without permission.(All pictures are my own unless otherwise credited for the gposer)

A biography

Who is Skylda Kaer?

From born as a Miqo'te in the Twelvewoods to living in Gridania. Learn her tale here!

A Demoness of Ill Repute

What She Offers

Barding, DJ'ing and Photographing her way to fame and fortune, and notoriety in Gridania, you can find it here.

Even a Demoness has her worshippers

Affiliates and Friends

Who does Skylda Kaer know? Who knows Skylda Kaer? Follow this path to learn!

© Skylda Helvig. All right reserved.

Who is Skylda Kaer? (IC)

Skylda was born feral, a stray in the twelvewoods. Learning to hunt by watching and stalking travelers and hunters alike. She was finally taken in by Khloe after being found sleeping in a bush that happened to contain the exact berries Khloe was sent to retrieve.As Skylda grew up in Gridania, she learned the ways of the bow and became a profficient hunter. She took to adventuring quite well and seemed at home... Until the Echo and being both a Warrior of Light and Darkness broke her.She took up friends with the Ascians, so much so she became a demon in body rather quickly. With the aetheric power her skin would vary hues depending on her mood. Eventually the aether dried up, the ascians abandoned her and she has returned to her natural state. She was known, and still is in some circles, as The Demoness of Gridania during this phase.Skylda currently focuses on her two lovely partners and her career, always searching for the next payday while making others smile.Skylda is currently in a relationship with Abigail Voiddraft and Jazzy Solairia, her two kitties that she protects with a fierce passion.Dancer Main (90)
Astrologian (85)

Mare Codes:Personal Syncshell (so all my friends can see each other!)
MSS-7S5P2MUG1VDW - SkyldaKaer
Personal Moon Runes

Who is Skylda Kaer? (OOC)

I'm a trans gal from the great North East, US. I've been out of my egg for 5 years now, on HRT in earnest since Nov 15, 2023.I'm a trans and human rights activist. I spend much of my ground time in DC, Harrisburg or Philly and may have been arrested a few times doing so.I have a BSN and am an ex-flight nurse of a few years before ptsd got ahold of me. Now I am a professional bartender and waitress making more money with less ptsd, though the stress can be more some nights.I don't play many games anymore aside of ffxiv, it's literally got everything I could ask for in any game.I am an open book, do not hesitate to ask!

Affiliates and Friends

Below you will find where I've performed, where I work, who I know.I am quite popular, apparently.Click on the pictures to be taken to their carrds or other media if available.

Where I work and what I do there

Where I Visit


What She Offers

Skylda is available for both venue and private hire.Venue salary is negotiable, please reach out to discuss.Private Services:DJ - Enjoying the sides of Synthwave, IDM, Goth, Punk and all things alt related she can bring a dark and dancey time to your venue or FC gathering!
Pricing negotiable, please reach out
Barding - Touting a library of over 7k songs at her disposal, Skylda is available for private and fc functions.
Barding starts at 200k/hr
('friends discount' is available)
GPoser - Wanting to keep memories alive for herself and others, she can make them into pictures!
SFW starts at 50k/pose per person
('Friends' and Bulk discounts available)